Christian Community Action Support Team
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The Hub
Our mission statement is ‘Catching the needs of the Community’ – which means that as new community issues arise we do our best, as an organisation, to address & meet that need. This attitude naturally creates an organisation that is vibrant, alive and keen to grow.
Future developments include the ‘Hub’ on the Mansfield Estate in Tain. This is an exciting new project that CCAST is setting up within the community. It is our intention to -
Work closely with the residents association
Provide a Housing Support service i.e. budgeting advice, advocacy etc to local residents
Provide a telephone land line
Internet access
Create a new community news letter plus web site
Street Bank
Plus lots more...
Please see our ‘CCAST in a box’ section for other plans
In the Summer Jenna the Hub coordinator held some summer activity days for the children, over the school holidays.
This culminated in an event at the end of the summer holidays for the Mansfield residents.
This new year we had a BBQ, bouncy castle as well as fun and games and our first ever gardening competition.
This was judged by councillor Fiona Robertson. Runners up were Christine ????? and Findlay Munro and the winner was Rosemary ????