Christian Community Action Support Team
In line with our Constitution:
To support the client group back into employment via identification of training needs or through voluntary work avenues.’
To identify with the client any ‘Obstacles’ to employment and to redefine employment opportunities. This may include re training in specific areas, or short term voluntary placements to rebuild confidence and self esteem.
CCAST Highland works closely with the Highland Council Employability Service to provide support to those individuals who want / need to return to work.
The Work Clubs are available on a Tuesday & Thursday Mornings 10 – 12pm within the CCAST office. The work club staff assists with Internet access, Universal Job Match, Job vacancy opportunities, applying on line, applying for appropriate benefits including Universal Credit and creating your own CV’s. etc.
This is all achieved in a cheery mutually supportive environment. There is a land line that is free to use in respect of job search together with current and local job opportunities downloaded and displayed for easy viewing.