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Aims and Objectives


1.   To enable a client group of vulnerable people, living within the Easter Ross and Sutherland areas to live independent lives, enabling them to sustain and maintain their existing tenancies within their local community. Clarification of ‘vulnerability’ may vary in each case from low level mild mental health issues resulting from but not peculiar to drug or alcohol dependency, to life style issues un related to drug & alcohol but yet still likely to put tenancies at risk.


2.   To support the client group back into employment via identification of training needs or through voluntary work avenues.


3.   To provide a Christian community support service addressing the needs of people of all faiths and of no faith.




  • To employ a Christian Service Delivery Manager to implement, develop the project and oversee the day to day affairs of the project.


  • To provide a Housing support service that will accept referrals from other agencies to work with clients with housing support needs / threatened homelessness for a maximum of six – eight weeks.


  • To employ a Christian Outreach Housing Support Officer to work with a case load of up to ten clients within their own homes, with the object of maintaining their tenancy.


  • To identify with the client any ‘Obstacles’ to employment and to redefine employment opportunities. This may include re training in specific areas, or short term voluntary placements to rebuild confidence and self esteem.


  • To have a Social Enterprise ‘Community based outlet’ which local people can access finding support, acceptance and encouragement, which provides both paid and voluntary work opportunities within the local community.


  • If necessary to create new services of support in response to needs which are identified through the on going work in the Community. These new support services will always be in keeping with our original objectives to support vulnerable people to maintain existing tenancies and live independent lives.




As a Christian organisation we base our initial and ongoing assessment of each client referred to the service from the Biblical perspective that all people are made in the image of God and have purpose and value.

Aims and Objectives of CCAST Highland
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